About Me

I am, currently, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, U.S.A.

My research interests at present are in a number of areas that compliment one another and interested colaborators can take a look at my current ideas for research and entrepeneurial projects. The general topics I'm interested in include: Genetic Algorithms, Agent Based Simulation - Acceleration, FPGA CAD and Architecture, Games, and Higher Education.

To see recent topics that I've published, you can take a look at my publications. In many of these efforts, I've collaborated with a number of other great colleagues (not comprehensive - Martin Herbordt, Michel Kinsy, Jose Augusto Nacif, Lesley Shannon, Lindsay Grace, Tobias Becker ).

In the academic year 2017/18, I took a research leave at Boston University to collaborate with Martin Herbordt and Michel Kinsy and their respective labs.

verilogTown Screen Shot

In 2008 and 2009, I was a Research Associate at Imperial College working with Wayne Luk and George Constantinides. I also worked with Nokia on benchmarking FPGAs and reconfigurable architectures targeting the mobile domain. This benchmark suite is called GroundHog.

Miami Pulley Tower

I received my PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto in 2007 under the wing of Jonathan Rose. That work focused on improving Heterogeneous FPGAs. I continued a post doctoral position at the University of Toronto to help manage the release of version 5.0 of the Versatile Place and Route (VPR) CAD system - VPR 5.0. This work is now part of VTR, and this is the work you should consult for the latest academic FPGA software suite. I also received my Master's at the same University researching in cluster computing with Angelos Bilas. Finally, my undergraduate was from the University of Ottawa.

RedBlade Snowplow

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You can take a look at my first book on college education and advice at: College Questions and Answers.

I am the 4,178,713,591st human on earth and the 78,606,956,287th person to live as of history beginning (Link).

RedBlade Lawnmower

Away from Research

Lexi Marsh is my counterpart, and you can read some of her musings at: one of her online portals. My past times are wide and varied and include MMA, hockey, board games, and Taekwondo to name a few. In the past, I played Ultimate for many years with GOAT, Grand Trunk, and Torontula , and you can see my blog at: The Cultimate Opinion.